- - - 8/4/2013 - - -

Game Day, August

Filed under: — Andy @ 4:24 am

For the first 3 hours I played Talisman. It is a fun game similar to Wiz-War, but it can take a long time.

Smash Up



  1. Talisman has been around a long time in various versions. Generally interesting. Outcome sort of depends on where you are and what other people want. It has been played a lot.

    Citadels is one of my favorite least favorite games. It has more laughs than most games, but generally they are at me as I always get picked upon: killed, stolen, and robbed. Great game for after midnight when everyone is in good humor and wants to go home. Works best with 6-8 people to spread the misery around. I have a copy of both games.

    Comment by GamerDad — 8/9/2013 @ 12:48 pm
  2. Today is your bday! And it’s today for u, too! looks like u only get 1 bday this yr :)

    Comment by H — 8/20/2013 @ 9:20 am

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