- - - 5/31/2011 - - -


Filed under: — Andy @ 3:50 am

Since I couldn’t make it back to Yokohama Monday night, I took a sick day for Tuesday and explored Kobe…

Kobe’s china town.

Since Kobe was one of the first ports opened up to the western world, there was a lot of western influence on the city.

This statue shows the exact time of the Great Hanshin earthquake

Ikuta Shrine

Soraku gardens

I found a very Kobeish cafe for lunch.

The water science museum… for kids, but I still had fun.

Known as the Weathercock house, it is one of the famous foreign residences in Kobe.

Lastly, I couldn’t go to the Kansai area without eating Takoyaki.


  1. always carry a copy of the hanshin pic w/ u. in case in the future u fall thru a crack in the space time cont and u befriend a prof who can send u back but only during a quake and says, "but unfortunately marty, one never knows where or when a quake will hit…” then you can triumphantly whip out the pic and dramatically say, "until now.”

    on second thought i guess that will only happen after u change ur name to marty

    Comment by h — 6/8/2011 @ 6:09 pm

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