- - - 12/20/2009 - - -

ReMeeting with JK in Odaiba

Filed under: — Andy @ 12:59 am

The winter of the first year I came to Japan (2004), I took a trip to Hong Kong and made a Japanese friend while I was there. A few months later I visited my friend in Hokkaido during the snow festival. The following year in the summer I visited Hokkaido again and he again showed me around.

Now, about 4 years later I finally got a chance to meet up and talk with him again. We met in Odaiba and ate lunch at the little Hong Kong restaurant floor in remembrance of where we meet.

A few floors down at the Odaiba Muscle Park there was a special guest - Makoto Nagano, Sasuke all-star.

We caught up as we walked around Odaiba.

Another lucky opportunity as there was photo shoot near the water.

JK was here on business so over dinner I also got to meet some of his students. Lastly, we visited the Toyota showroom where there was a free concert. This is the closest I have ever been to an orchestra.


  1. Ah, Interesting blog!! Keep up the good work!

    Comment by Laina — 12/28/2009 @ 4:31 pm
  2. There is a sphere in the building in the background of the third picture. It appears asymmetric and in the walkways. What building is that? What is that sphere supposed to represent?

    Comment by Architecture Student — 12/28/2009 @ 11:57 pm
  3. The building is the Fuji Television Studio.
    The sphere is an observation tower and restaurant.

    Comment by Andy — 12/29/2009 @ 12:05 am
  4. Ha, what was Nagano-san practicing in that particular obstacle? Does the screen display a # and then you have to hit the red button corresponding to the # displayed? You should have competed with the guy.

    Comment by Jeff — 1/13/2010 @ 4:30 pm

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