- - - 5/29/2008 - - -

School Lunch

Filed under: — Andy @ 1:20 am

One of the good things about working at an elementary school is that I get to eat the school lunch. Unlike the States, at Japanese elementary schools everyone, even the teachers, eat the school lunches… there is no choice. Besides the milk everyday, that I cant drink because of stupid lactose intolerance, I really enjoy the food. It is mostly Japanese style, well nutritionally balanced, and different everyday. However, today was a very special menu - something that I really want expecting. The special food was ‘whale’. At the top of the picture, fried in sesame seeds, it was tough and a bit chewy. Although I have eaten whale before just to try it, I am still an American and dont feel that it really is something that should be considered food. It seems that Japan is the only country left in the world that eats whale, and tries to keep the tradition of eating whale alive by feeding it to their children in elementary school.


  1. Whale-rific.

    Comment by LT — 5/31/2008 @ 10:09 am
  2. I bet whalemeat has a lot of mercury and heavy metals in it.

    Comment by Emily — 5/31/2008 @ 12:55 pm
  3. dude, what are you talking about? our 7 course whale meal still ranks as one of the best things I have ever eaten in japan, with the horse sashimi a close second. btw, i may try to come out and visit you again sometime next year…we havent hung out in what, 2 years now?

    Comment by josh — 5/31/2008 @ 7:45 pm
  4. Natsukashii!!! School lunches were the best!!!

    Comment by Jenn — 5/31/2008 @ 10:10 pm
  5. 給食だ!
    (It’s a school lunch!)

    Comment by Eiji — 6/1/2008 @ 12:54 am
  6. That meal, although probably nutritious, looks disgusting.

    How are the kids!? Nice workload?

    Comment by Dan — 6/4/2008 @ 8:00 am
  7. Thank god my school didn’t force me to carry on the tradition of wearing whale bone corsets.

    Comment by kate — 6/7/2008 @ 8:33 am
  8. Food looks awesome, wish I’d had that instead of the corndogs (watch out for the occasional green one) and hamburgers (same warning as above).

    Comment by Jeff — 6/13/2008 @ 3:10 pm

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