- - - 6/14/2007 - - -

Wii + Zelda

Filed under: — Andy @ 7:09 am

One of my coworkers bought a Wii a while ago, but really doesn’t play it that much so has been lending it out to other people at the office. Since my knees have gone bad, I figured it would be the perfect time to borrow it. I began playing the new Zelda game and hope to beat it, but I will do it all in Japanese! Talking to all the people in the game, reading all the kanji, and figuring out what what I am supposed to do is half the challenge in itself. Yet, I am surprised how much I know. I really havent even had to look many words up yet. Oh, and playing on the big TV is absolutely great!


  1. uo—– gamabre! Let me know how LONG it takes for you to get thru the Japanese version. hahaha.

    Comment by jenn o. — 6/15/2007 @ 9:27 am
  2. I hope your knees get better. That really sucks… :(

    Comment by Jenn — 7/3/2007 @ 1:53 pm

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