- - - 7/26/2005 - - -

Golfing Range

Filed under: — Andy @ 3:57 am

Durring one of my bike rides I came across a golfing range and decided to test out my skills again. I have yet to see a full sized golf range in Japan however. Also, Japan does not have a lot of golfing courses that people can actually go to. I asked the people at the range where I could play golf for cheap and they were a little shocked and had to go in the back to look up the answer for me. They said that I could play nowhere in Tokyo and I would have to go down to Yamanashi prefecture before golf was cheaper. Why are there no golf courses like the one in Van Nuys where the fee is around $15? In Japan, golf is only for the rich. Even just hitting balls down a short driving range is expensive, as I found out…

The range was very interesting though, as it had one of those automatic ball dispensers that I’ve only seen on TV but never actually used before. See the video here download (500K)


  1. Eggcellent video.

    Comment by Mr. Redmond Barry — 7/26/2005 @ 6:43 am

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