- - - 6/4/2005 - - -

Ueno Dinosaurs

Filed under: — Andy @ 2:52 am

Since both my friend and I had Tuesday off of work we went to the Dinosaur exhibition at the Ueno Science Museum. I was not too impressed with the dinosaurs as I have seen most of the fossils before, and all the information was in Japanese so I really couldn’t read any of the information. Afterwards we went to the actual science museum. The museum was actually very impressive. There were lots and lots of interactive exhibits and buttons to press, and all of the exhibits had computerized information that also included English, Chinese, and Korean. The computerized information screens were all touch screens, which I love to play with, and even had many videos and extra pictures. The coolest feature was that you are able to get a card that you can beep at every exhibit and it will remember when you check which ones you have already visited. Anyway, the actual museum was a lot more interesting than the dinosaur exhibition. We then took a nice walk around Ueno park and ate ‘anmitsu’ and ‘warabimochi’. After that we did some strolling and shopping around Ueno before finally eating dinner at a tempura restaurant. After dinner I got to pull a piece of paper out of a box to see if I won anything… and I did win! I got a free bottle of ‘umeshu’ which I love. :)

Anmitsu and warabimochi


  1. Did you know that God put dinosaur fossils everywhere to test your faith?

    Comment by Mr. Redmond Barry — 6/4/2005 @ 1:57 pm
  2. lol good one

    Comment by 賢 — 6/4/2005 @ 7:18 pm
  3. Hmm…looks yummy!!

    Comment by Edwin — 6/18/2005 @ 7:20 am

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