- - - 1/16/2010 - - -

Problems at Work

Filed under: — Andy @ 11:32 pm

Although I started working at my company since August of last year, I am still having problems with my boss, my contract, the Japanese work mentality, and getting paid. I knew from when I went into my interview, and saw how small the company was and the various fields the company was involved in, that it would either be a good chance or a bad experience. Unfortunately so far, it is turning out to be the latter. Still, I am learning a lot about myself, business, and what to do, and not to do in the future. On the lighter side, I was able to get my visa renewed, which was quite a pressing matter at the time. Anyway, I had a fairly productive meeting with my boss but will still have to wait till the end of the month to see if I finally get paid or end up fired…