- - - 12/20/2009 - - -

ReMeeting with JK in Odaiba

Filed under: — Andy @ 12:59 am

The winter of the first year I came to Japan (2004), I took a trip to Hong Kong and made a Japanese friend while I was there. A few months later I visited my friend in Hokkaido during the snow festival. The following year in the summer I visited Hokkaido again and he again showed me around.

Now, about 4 years later I finally got a chance to meet up and talk with him again. We met in Odaiba and ate lunch at the little Hong Kong restaurant floor in remembrance of where we meet.

A few floors down at the Odaiba Muscle Park there was a special guest - Makoto Nagano, Sasuke all-star.

We caught up as we walked around Odaiba.

Another lucky opportunity as there was photo shoot near the water.

JK was here on business so over dinner I also got to meet some of his students. Lastly, we visited the Toyota showroom where there was a free concert. This is the closest I have ever been to an orchestra.